Lead by Health Data Hub, WP1 provides and monitors the overall project coordination, project management, financial management, and risks and ethics management
Work Packages
HealthData@EU Pilot is divided into 9 work packages led by different partners. Work packages 1-4 are horizontal work packages aimed at coordinating, communicating and ensuring delivery. Work packages 5-9 are technical work packages that build and test the user journey.
Horizontal work packages
Lead by the European Public Health Association, WP2 oversees the dissemination and communication activities towards parties outside the consortium.
Related deliverables/milestones available: Project leaflet
Lead by Health Data Hub, WP3 oversees the actions undertaken to verify if the project is being implemented as planned and reaches the objectives.
Lead by Danish Health Data Authority (DHDA), WP4 will provide recommendations for the future EHDS and potential to scale up the tested pilot infrastructure. They will encompass both IT, legal, metadata and data standards and economic principles.
Technical work packages
Co-led by Health Data Hub and the Health Data Lab, WP5 will lead the implementation of the IT infrastructure enabling information exchange between nodes in an agnostic way in order to allow data processing (DCAT, data…) among nodes. The infrastructure will use and specify an eDelivery protocol and provide discovery services. WP5 will also provide hosting solutions.
Results available:
Towards a common health Resource Description Framework (RDF) representation of metadata for interexchange between data portals
Led by Sciensano, WP6 focuses on standardising the descriptive metadata templates used to present and describe the available data collections in every node. The standard for this common descriptive metadata model is based on a health DCAT-AP extension designed in this WP.
Access the Health DCAT-AP GitHub repository
Explore the Health DCAT-AP Validator to ensure metadata quality
- D6.1 Health DCAT-AP Extension
- D6.2 Recommendations for the further development and potential EU-wide adoption of HealthDCAT-AP
Report on the landscape analysis of available metadata catalogues and the metadata standards in use
- Technical working group on the transition from existing metadata templates to HealthDCAT-AP – Working group minutes
- Annex 1- Functional Analysis implementation of HealthDCAT-AP in EU Datasets catalogue FINAL
- Annex 2 – EUPHA Session 09-11-2023
Lead by BBMRI-ERIC, WP7 will provide guidelines in order to build a single data access form for the EHDS, to harmonise legal and ethics data access procedures, security requirements and GDPR citizen access rights compliance for cross-border use of data applied to selected use cases
First results:
- Legal landscape analysis (download the summary)
- Find out more on the design of the common data application form (download the full report and forms)
Lead by BBMRI-ERIC, WP8 deals with interoperability of actual data in different phases of HealthData@EU User Journey: from a study of different common data models, available terminologies and how to make data interoperability between nodes, to data exchange among HealthData@EU Nodes and ultimately data delivery to the researchers. It also deals with quality controlling and more generally quality assurance mechanisms that are to be implemented by the HealthData@EU Nodes. The subject of federated queries to obtain new metadata, such as aggregate availability data, is addressed through a feasibility study. WP8 has relations with respect to standards recommended and piloted by WP5 and WP6 and will closely work with WP7 on legal matters (aspects for standards, legal bases for data processing).
Co-lead by the Health Data Hub and the Danish Health Data Authority, WP9 will coordinate the implementation of use cases chosen by the European Commission among consortium proposed use cases (building teams, project management, and allocation of resources). This WP will also ensure project management for the implementing common data model designed by WP8 on chosen data use cases and for filling up the HealthDCAT extension and metadata catalogue on selected use cases.
All details regarding HealthData@EU use cases are available here.