
April 15, 2023

April 15, 2023

A successful call for participation
The call for participation to the HealthData@EU Pilot’s External Advisory Board, circulated at the end of 2022, has been a testimony of the wide interest for the project’s activities. More than 250 applications were submitted in a little under a month, from more than 20 countries and a variety of stakeholders: research and teaching institutions, the industry, public authorities, patients and citizens organisations…
The list of applicants was reviewed by the Work Package members, with input from the Coordinator and the European Commission, to select a final list of 49 members, validated by the project Steering Committee. The activities of the External Advisory Board were then officially kicked-off at the end of March with a presentation of the project and  its stakes.

What is next ? 
The External Advisory Board Members have been allocated between the different Work Packages, depending on their respective expertise. The WP-specific exchanges will be launched in the months of April and May and will continue throughout the project’s lifetime. The members will be consulted at key stages of the project, on the most important aspects of the WP’s outputs, to contribute to shaping the future European Health Data Space.


March 21, 2023

March 21, 2023

In March 2023, the HealthData@EU Pilot project entered a crucial phase: the proof of concept (POC) phase. We are pleased to share with you the new HealthData@EU Pilot report which provides a first high-level vision of the target architecture of the POC and details the key steps to deliver the minimum viable product (MVP) by the end of 2023.

=> Download Proof of concept communication here

February 1, 2023

On 1 February the abstract submission will open for the 16th European Public Health Conference, taking place 8-11 November 2023 in Dublin, Ireland.

The 16th European Public Health conference is a great opportunity to present the progress made in the first year of the HealthData@EU Pilot.

Workshop proposals are considered for 60-minutes sessions. And abstract submission closes 1 May.

More information about the abstract submission is available here.

December 16, 2022

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: The External Advisory Board will provide additional insight and expertise to the project activities, which covers the entire user journey for the European Health Data Space (EHDS), including data discovery (metadata standards), data access (regulatory and legal compliance), and data preparation and use (data interoperability and quality).

By participating in the HealthData@EU Pilot External Advisory Board, you will contribute in shaping the future European Health Data Space for secondary use and in ensuring that it is fit for purpose for all categories of stakeholders.Deadline for submission of applications: 13 January 2023. Read the full call here.